Energy Healing Results

Domancic Method Testimonials are almost as plentiful as raindrops in a rainstorm. With that said it is important to realize a few things about the method, its capability and potentials and how the method differs from medicine, etc.

Although the Domancic Method is a very effective and powerful modality that helps improve serious health conditions, it is NOT a medical treatment, nor do Domancic Method practitioners practice medicine in any form.

The Domancic Method is gentle, non-invasive and is the safest method of healing, as all it uses is LIFE itself. We do not claim or pretend to be doctors, nor want to be doctors or any other type of medical professionals.
We do not prescribe or give anything to ingest (i.e. drugs, pills, herbs, etc.) We do not physically manipulate bones or any part of the body. We do not advise about or diagnose any health condition.

We do not scan the body. We do not use any needles, equipment or machines. We do not address illness.

We acknowledge and address health. There are no rituals, no symbols, no religious affiliations. Individual and group events take place in a non-medical environment. The atmosphere is relaxed, casual and supportive.
We do not “CURE” anyone. Bioenergy therapy jump-starts a person’s own healing mechanism to restore the body’s original state of well being by using bioenergy to optimize the function of the immune system.

Bioenergy Therapy can help in the following ways:

  • Directly boosts the immune system
  • Eliminates pain
  • Regenerates tissue
  • Dramatically increases blood circulation
  • Helps achieve peak performance
  • Physically balances electromagnetic fields in and around the body

In the words of my mentor Zoran Hochstatter in his book entitled “Three Chairs” “Every condition is reversible Every disease is curable but not in everyone.” It is important to realize that each condition and individual are unique. While some issues can be addressed quite easily in one 4 day session someone who has had MS for years and is in a wheelchair may need to go through one session per month for 6 months or so to reverse that condition and have them achieve the level of health they desire. With all that said I invite you to view the videos below to hear some real-world Domancic Method Testimonials.

The following video is from the Bioenergy Life Project that happened In Los Angeles California in 2009. It’s about 20 minutes long and has some very good information and real-world experiences in it. After you review the video please contact me to arrange your own Bioenergy Healing Session or get your questions answered. I provide energy healing sessions serving the Pennsylvania, Delaware and New Jersey areas in my office in Norristown, Pennsylvania or I can assist you with distance healing techniques no matter where you are in the world. Enjoy the video then contact me and experience the benefit of true Bioenergy Therapy with the 100% pure and unadulterated Domancic Method.

Claire Leclair Testimonial

December 17, 2012

My name is Claire Leclair.

I had 4 problems that I wanted to address when I asked Owen Brown to help me with bio-energy.      I live in Ontario Canada and he lives in Pennsylvania so we decided to do a Distant Healing Therapy over a 4 day period. First I have a condition called Retinitis Pigmentosa. It is a disease that dries out the retina of the eye.

I also have bad headaches and severe neck inflammation from whiplash due to 4 car accidents. Lastly, my knees hurt from hitting the dashboard from these accidents. Sometimes I can hardly walk from the pain.

On December the 11th 2012

Mr. Brown started my first session of bioenergy at 7:30 pm. These are the result from the first day

Felt pressure in my left eye which is my weak eye. I can’t read anything out of this eye. It is even hard to recognize shape with this eye.

My right eye is a lot better than my left. During the treatment, I felt like a hot fiery pin poking me. If you were looking at a clock the pin pressure was at 4 o’clock. The pain stayed for the duration of the treatment and then my eye started to water.

My knees tingled and some pain was released

My hands were so hot during the session. I could really feel the energy.

I was sitting on my chair with my head against the back and all of a sudden my neck let go and my head fell backward.

When focusing on the writing on the computer without my glasses the writing is still very fuzzy.

December the 12th 2012

I had a restless night my eyes were dry and burning it woke me up often during the night however this morning I woke up with a very clear vision. One of the effects of RP is that you look through the fog but around 9:00 am my sight was fog-free.

Around 11:00 am some fog came back and I have noticed that when I put my glasses on it makes me feel seasick

Testing my sight by looking at the computer without glasses the writing is still blurry but there is a slight change. It seems a little clearer.

Around 4 pm this afternoon I walked outside without sunglasses and the usual pain that I feel in my eyes did not occur. Usually, the sunrays blind me and I need to wear glasses and a hat to be able to open my eyes outside.

December 12th 7:30 pm treatment 2

During the treatment, I felt like I had hot rods in my hands

In my right eye the fiery pins poked me in the 7 o’clock area then slowly moved to 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 1, and 2 then went back to 7 o’clock and at this time it really burnt.

Testing my sight at the computer it is a little clearer but still fuzzy

December 13th 2012 day report

During the night the fiery feeling at 7 o’clock stayed with me and it also moved to 10 pm position in my right eye. At 8:30 am the pain is still there but it is not as strong as it was during the night.

Not too much change to report on my left eye yet.

During the night I was able to put more pressure from my right knee to my left knee. It did not hurt as much as before. The weight of my right leg resting on my left leg was too painful before.

I had to lay down this afternoon because I had a headache. Lots of pressure on the top of the head and behind my right eye. Used peppermint oil and it relieved it some. Some fog followed but not as intense as usual.

The headache persisted however the fog did not intensify that’s a first.

December 13th 2012 evening treatment

My headache was in full bloom when Mr. Brown started the treatment. He worked on my neck, my headache, and my eyes.

During the treatment my headache disappeared, the pain in my neck which is the main cause for my headaches is gone and the intense pressure behind my right eye is gone

For the first time, I felt some activity in my left eye. Some pain and pressure. The pain was traveling back and forth between both eyes. Even after the treatment was over this sensation continued during the evening

I have not been wearing my glasses for the past 3 days except to work on the computer. Tonight for my test I was able to read without my glasses writing that was a bit bigger than normal. It was clear enough for me to read them to Brad.

December 14th 2012 morning

Woke up with clear sight however fog set in around 10:00 am. I am going to the computer and testing my eyes a lot more without my glasses and it always surprises me to be able to decipher more and more of the words without glasses. As a matter of fact, when I put my glasses on it tires my eyes.

The headache is gone I can still feel the 7 o’clock pin in my right eye and the 10 o’clock pin in my left eye.

Both my knees are doing better. I did not get the chance to walk on the treadmill just yet.

December 14th 2012 evening

The treatment was calm. The energy in my hands was lighter than the 3 previous treatments. Felt some pins in both my eyes. I also had some pressure in my left knee.

December 15th 2012

I woke up with some fog this morning. I used the wand it helped. The biggest news I can say today is that my peripheral vision is awakening. The sight that is there now is awesome. It is actually making me wonder if I am seeing things or is it real. I look at what I thought I saw and true enough I did see what I thought I saw. WOW!

December 16th 2012

WOW! WOW! WOW! My peripheral vision is continuing to improve. While riding in the car I was able to tell Brad where his arm was without looking at him. There are spots that are still dark but the spots that are awakening are amazing.

My central vision is still very fuzzy in my left eye; however, my central vision in my right is improving.

I can still feel the sensation of the pain in my right eye.

December 17th 2012

My sight is improving every hour.  Even though there is still some fuzz when I am working on the computer I find myself working without my glasses. I still put them on for some work but not all the time.

My peripheral is widening. Some of the sight is blurry but it is there.

I wrote most of today’s testimonial without my glasses on.

I can’t thank you enough for helping me. There is great hope in my future to be completely cured and to drive again.

My sincere and deepest thanks

Claire Leclair


Testimonial journal on distance therapy with Owen

February 7, 2013, start of the four day sessions.
Owen lives in Philadelphia and i live in Minnesota
I have been having inflammation issues with my right ear for several years and have tried many ways to get relief.
I asked Owen to apply distance healing on the problem and also work on my eyes for better close vision.
Day 1 –  At the start of the session the swelling in the ear was at a 10 in discomfort.  During the session when Owen worked
on the eyes I could feel a slight quivering under the right eye lid.  Around 8 pm that evening I got extremely tired.
Day 2 – Morning, the ear inflammation was at 5 in discomfort.  Eyes felt more relaxed, but no improvement of vision.
At the time of the later afternoon session the ear inflammation went down to 2 in discomfort.  During the session i did feel a slight
energy movement near my body.
Day 3 – Ear has slight tissue soreness and the discomfort  level is between 1 and 2.  No eye improvement, but eyes are relaxed.
Did feel that slight quivering under the right eye lid again.  This time i told Owen i felt it near the end of the session.
He confirmed that he forgot to do one technique before closing the session so he did the technique out of protocol order and
that’s when I felt the sensation.  This confirmed to him what i felt as i had no idea what he was doing.
Day 4 – ear is at level 0 in inflammation with slight tissue soreness.  Eye vision has not improved.
The side affect of receiving therapy has been of extreme tiredness early for two evenings.
Days 5 – 11, following sessions, ear has stays a level 0 inflammation.  A very slight improvement in right eye close vision.
Have noticed another good side effect is more energy during the day.  A short mid day nap is not necessary as it was before sessions.
In closing i want to thank Owen for his love in helping people through energy healing and I highly recommend it as a better alternative.
Give Owen a call and keep him busy healing.
Jim Triplett