Hands On Healing – Energy Healing Philadelphia PA

Energy Healing PA - 21 West Fornance Street Norristown, PA 19401 610-491-6510

Energy Healing PA – Owen Brown

Thank You for stopping by to learn more about Energy Healing Philadelphia PA. Bioenergy healing therapy in Philadelphia & Pennsylvania is based on the Domancic Method and practiced by suburban Philadelphia Pennsylvania native Owen V. Brown III.

This website is designed to give you a clear picture of what Bioenergy Therapy/Healing is as it relates to the Domancic Method and why you may want to consider attending a one on one appointment or a long distance energy healing session wiith Owen Brown.
First and foremost it is important to understand that there are many different types of energy healing modalities on the market but true Bioenergy Healing Therapy as taught by Master Zdenco Domancic and my mentor Zoran Hochstatter is very different than things like Reiki, Quantum Touch, Therapeutic Touch, the reconnectiion or Reconnective Healing, Biaura Healing etc.

The foundation of most of these modalities generally begins with affecting the bio-field that surrounds all living organisms but the approach and methodology each modality uses to work with this bio-field or energy differs dramatically.

I have researched and studied a number of different types of energy work and was originally fascinated with modalities like Dr. Eric Pearls Reconnective Healing. I actually worked with the techniques taught by Dr. Pearl and did experience some success, however I felt the need to continue researching different modalities. I wanted to be sure I was offering the best possible opportunity for healing and reversing sickness and disease without the use of medicine, drugs, surgery or even nutrition. That is when I discovered The Domancic Method of Bioenergy Healing with proven results for more than 35 years.

Hands On Healing 21 West Fornance Street Norristown, PA 19401 610-491-6510

Healing Energy Event

I invite you to review the information on this website and educate yourself about this unique method of healing. After your review I am confident you will see that this method of energy healing is the best choice for non invasive energy healing that not only works and works fast but most importantly is affordable and not designed to drain your finances by ongoing sessions due to the lack of lasting results. I invite you to contact me after you have done your due diligence for a one on one appointment in my office in Norristown Pennsyvania or for a distant healing session where I can help you over the phone, no matter what city, state or country you may be located in.