Bioenergy Therapy

Many modalities claim to teach and perform Bioenergy Healing or Bioenergy Therapy but the Domancic Method differs from most of these methods in a number of different ways. First and foremost over 1 million people have been treated using this method with phenomenal results. With that said we will discuss the broad termed definition of Bioenergy then explain how Bioenergy Therapy, the Domancic Method differs from other methods.

Bioenergy is a scientific name, which tries to encompass a very broad range of modalities that attempt to manipulate or balance the life force energy that surrounds all living organisms. Bios is a Greek word meaning life. Energy, in Greek, means activity. A loose translation could be interpreted as a life activity or life energy. In more modern terms life force. Most energy modalities all use the same energy or life force but the difference in effectiveness is in the way that it is applied. The bottom line is that most methods that claim to be utilizing Bioenergy are generally in some way trying to balance or manipulate the bio-field.

Your bio-field is an energy picture of your physical body. It is alive with information that regulates all your biological functions. Any alteration to your bio-field can influence the cellular, molecular, atomic and even subatomic aspects of your health. Any imbalances first appear in your bio-field, which later can develop as an illness in the physical body. Unlike other methods the Domanc Method does NOT involve any scanning of the body, diagnosing, chanting, calling on deities or using religious symbols. By following specific step by step protocols a Domancic Therapist knows exactly what to do in each session. There is no guesswork or waiting to feel a sensation or wondering what to do next. Because of this, a Domancic therapist works from a place of confidence, eliminating all doubt. As a Trained Domancic Method student I learned how to “step away” and let the intelligence of the energy do the work.

A Domancic Method therapist does not use their own energy and does not get drained or tired doing therapy. This method is explained ideally in a quote by the founders’ son below.

…you, as a conduit of energy, are on therapy at the same time and if you too have certain problems, they will be corrected by your work with biotherapy.” – Stipe Domancic

This was one of the things that intrigued me about this method. I love the fact that I can help others WITHOUT draining myself of my own energy but simultaneously assist my body in receiving the information it needs to heal. I have heard horror stories from other healing energy practitioners that have to ground themselves before and after a therapy, call on certain deities or ask for protection. Some even have to wash their hands before and after a session to cleanse themselves of negative energy. This was way too woo woo for me and another reason I love the simplicity and effectiveness of the Domancic Method.

The Domancic Method of Bioenergy Healing reaches people on all levels. Emotional, Biological and Quantum.


Our thoughts, preconceptions, beliefs determine our reality. Addressing the head and heart is always a part of every Domanicic Method session – transforming thoughts and emotions to heal the body.

The physical body is also an electromagnetic field that is affected by more or less energy potential.

“…there is a lack of energy, we have to add the energy, so certain biochemical processes can be initiated, by adding this energy, so the pain can be eliminated. How? The production of the “joint fluid” will increase in tendon tissue, which will “lubricate” the joint, there will be less friction and the irritation will recede.” Stipe Domancic


Any alteration to the biofield can influence the cellular, molecular, atomic and even subatomic aspects of our health…

“The reality of a person with 10% vision is what he sees. If his vision improves to 50% he will understand that he has lived in an illusion. But if he regains 100% of his vision he will enter a world that was unimaginable in his previous reality.” Zdenko Domancic.

Watch The Domancic Method DVD below. It will explain the method’s history.

If you are truly seeking optimal results from a Bioenergy Therapist accept only the genuine Domancic Method in its most pure and powerful form. I am trained as a Domancic Method Therapist and provide ONLY the pure unadulterated method to my clients. Schedule a one on one or distant healing session today!