Bioenergy Healing The Domancic Method Comes To Philly

I am pleased to announce that our office is officially opened to receive clients in the Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware and surrounding areas. We are also providing distant therapy over the phone for people interested in authentic bioenergy therapy across the globe. We have just submitted a listing for our office on Thumbtack one of the leading directories for local businesses on the internet.  See our listing Bioenergy Healing With The Domancic Method on the website by clicking the highlighted text.

We will soon be submitting press releases online and offline. We invite you to contact us to schedule your very own Bioenergy Healing Session at our office or at a distance. Stop back and visit our site often as we will be adding education, affiliations and invitations to events we may sponsor co-sponsor or participate in. You can learn more about the domancic method of energy healing and scheduling a session by dialing (484) 674-5323 anytime 24 hours per day. Have A Blessed Day!

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