Bioenergy FAQ

Is bioenergy therapy recognized in the modern world?

Yes, bioenergy/energy therapy is nowadays practiced throughout the world and is called vibration or energy medicine. It is possible to teach energy therapy, which is realized in different academic systems today around the world through traditional medicine or independently (there are links to some schools that teach integrative or holistic medicine). Bioenergy practice is the oldest way of healing and is understood by all cultures and has been known under many names. A warm human touch has and always will have healing properties.

What can be felt during the treatment itself?

Depending on the individual, what is felt ranges from very powerful sensations to no sensation at all. Most people feel a tingling, burning or prickling sensation, coldness, draft, pressure, momentary relief, fatigue or drowsiness, uncontrollable laughter or crying, a floating sensation in the extremities, body movement, dizziness or vertigo. Whether a patient feels something during therapy, is not an indication of the success of the therapy, because everybody is unique and therefore they react in unique ways.

Is bioenergy a substitute for clinical medicine?

No, bioenergy therapy is complementary and supplementary to all other medical and ‘alternative’ therapies, even though, in many cases, it is much more successful and efficient. After therapy, you should not discontinue medication or other treatments or medical procedures prescribed by your doctor. Only clinical medicine can confirm improvement and make further decisions in conjunction with the patient about continuing or discontinuing treatment.
Is diagnosis an integral part of the therapy?

No. The client comes only after he or she has complete all the necessary check-ups with his or her doctor.

When can I expect to see the first objective results of the therapy?

After 15 to 90 days, depending on the condition treated, one can expect results which can be objectively measured by means of clinical medicine. Sometimes in the first 15 days after therapy symptoms increase, or a sudden deterioration occurs, which is a crisis that signifies a strong bodily reaction to the intensified activities of a regenerated immune system.

Do I need to believe in the existence of bioenergy in order for bioenergy therapy to work?

No. The therapy is successful even if a person does not believe in the existence of subtle radiation, which is a result of ignorance and a lack of awareness. Of course it is easier to work with a person who openly embraces bioenergy therapy. Everyone must decide for themselves whether and how they are going to heal. Above all, the patient must be conscious of their own life and journey that has brought him or her to the point of becoming ill. Passing through disease means passing through a crisis, and in so, overcoming this crisis. Through illness, strong spiritual energies transform us, i.e. illness changes us towards a fuller quality of life.

Can therapy be repeated?

Therapy can be repeated in consultation with a therapist and in accordance with other therapeutic forms that are applied. For the majority of illnesses it is not necessary to repeat the therapy, but for some conditions, therapy is continued systematically for 20 days (gangrene) or is conducted for an entire year in the case of very serious conditions.

What is our aura or bio-field?
Our aura or bio-field is a subtle electromagnetic/light layer that surrounds our body or permeates through it. Every living organism has an aura. The aura is multi-layered and multi-functional. One of the functions of the aura is literally to ‘bring to life’ and feed or energize the physical body. The human electromagnetic field also performs a defence function. Our Earth also has several auric layers: a glowing hot core, the crust, the atmospheric layer and the electromagnetic layer. The human organism radiates and receives radiation. Planet earth receives and emits radiation from the universe. In the same way, a human being receives radiation from the Earth and the universe. You can find more about the radiation of the human body and other living organisms on the Website of the International Institute for Biophysics in Germany.

How des the Domancic Method differ from other energy healing?
Besides proven high effectiveness, it is also more systematized and concrete. All therapists of Domancic Method work the same way, using the same techniques, that’s why the results of their work – the effects – are also similar. The method is taught according to so called PROTOCOLS; techniques are performed with particular number of repetitions, in particular combination and estimated time. There is no need to wonder what to do and how to do it, no need to breath in a particular manner, to visualize, meditate or use any symbols, initiations (or be initiated to a practice), no secret codes, no need of crystals, pendulums, stones, etc. This technique is FREE from and FREE to.

Can children be treated? Can animals be treated? Can pregnant women be treated?

Yes. Children of any age can be treated.
Yes, animals can be treated.
Yes. Women who are pregnant can be treated during any trimester.

Is there a charge for therapy?
There is no price for the therapy, but there is an established fee for the practitioner’s time.


The Domancic Method, is not medicine as we know it but a highly effective complementary treatment for restoring well-being, whether the health problem be serious or simple. It is NOT a replacement for conventional medical treatment offered by physicians. The Domancic Method practitioner does not diagnose illness, disease or any other physical or mental disorder. As such, the Domancic Method practitioner does not prescribe or advise about any medical treatment or condition. Always consult with your doctor about any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention and before adjusting any medication or course of treatment. The information contained on this web site in our information calls and marketing materials is for educational purposes only.